Kybella treatment

This treatment is good for improving the appearance of

  • fat below the chin
  • the jawline

About Kybella treatment

Kybella is a medication that contains deoxycholic acid, a natural substance found in the gallbladder that helps in the digestion of fatty foods. Kybella causes fat cells to burst. (Physicians call this process cellular lysis.) When Kybella is Injected into the fat underneath your chin, it helps in contouring the jawline by removing excess fat. Dead fat cells are removed from your body via your lymphatic system.

Frequently asked questions

How long does the treatment take?

About 45 minutes.

When will I see results?

Results vary from person to person. Most people see results about a month after their first treatment. Two to four treatments are usually needed for significant results.

How long do the results last?

Fat cells are removed, but without proper diet and exercise, new fat cells will grow.

How much does it cost?

One vial of Kybella costs $600, and we offer discounts when purchasing multiple vials.

Before & after gallery

Kybella FAQ


Will I experience any side effects?

The safety profile of Kybella is well characterized. The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness and areas of hardness around the treatment area. Kybella can cause serious side effects, including trouble swallowing and nerve injury in the jaw that can cause an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness. These are not all of the possible side effects of Kybella. Our doctor can help you better understand Kybella’s side effects.

How many treatments will I need?

You and our doctor will customize your Kybella treatment regimen, including how many treatments you need, based on your desired chin profile. Many patients experience visible results in two to four treatment sessions. During these sessions, our doctor will administer Kybella into the fat under your chin using multiple injections. Up to six treatment sessions may be administered spaced no less than one month apart.

  • In clinical studies, results for Kybella-treated patients who had a ≥1-grade composite improvement were:
    • 8% (1 treatment)
    • 28% (2 treatments)
    • 43% (3 treatments)
    • 55% (4 treatments)
    • 66% (5 treatments)
    • 72% (6 treatments)
  • In clinical studies, results for Kybella-treated patients who had a ≥2-grade composite improvement were:
    • 0% (1 treatment)
    • 0.2% (2 treatments)
    • 0.8% (3 treatments)
    • 3.5% (4 treatments)
    • 3.9% (5 treatments)
    • 15% (6 treatments)
  • 59% of subjects in the clinical trials received all six treatments

How long will the results last?

When injected into the fat under your chin, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. After the aesthetic response is achieved, retreatment with Kybella is not expected.

May I have Kybella applied to other parts of the face or body?

Currently Kybella is approved for only the area below the chin and may not be applied to any other part of the face or body.

Who should not receive Kybella?

Kybella is not recommended if you:

  • smoke
  • use steroids
  • have both diabetes and poor skin quality
  • have an infection in the treatment area.

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