Don’t be left behind
Whether interviewing, vying for a promotion, going on a first date, or meeting friends, first impressions count. We live in a competitive and sometimes ageist world. While it’s what’s on the inside that really counts, a masculine, youthful, and energetic appearance goes a long way to enhancing social success and career prospects. Handsome men leave an impression that helps them achieve their goals. Be it business, sport, or romance, the refined guy has the cards stacked in his favor.
Stack the cards in your favor
Handsome men come in all ages and body types. Don’t worry—there is no need for plastic surgery or hours of daily grooming. Advanced cosmetic medical procedures provide non-invasive, time-efficient, and effective methods to improve your look with less time and cost. It’s not just celebrities, athletes, and corporate executives that are harnessing the power of these advances. These procedures are for you, your friends, and co-workers. Chances are that the guy in the next cubicle, the perfect-six-pack dude using free weights at your gym, and the handsome bartender everyone wants to talk to are using these procedures.
Think about how much better you look with a fresh haircut—just a haircut gets attention. So, up your game. Remove unwanted body hair, reduce forehead wrinkles, get rid of dark circles under your eyes, define your jawline, and lose the stubborn fat hiding your gym work.
Don’t be the guy that sat this one out. You want to look your best. You take care of yourself and your appearance.
You can*
- Define jawlines and masculine facial contours.
- Obliterate stubborn fat.
- Look younger without looking artificial.
- Look more energetic and less tired.
- Regrow the hair you want and remove the hair you don’t want.
- Get firmer, clearer, and smoother skin.
- Boost energy and overall health from the inside.
Learn more: Men’s Clinic.
How to select a provider
A good cosmetic medical physician can help you understand all the options available in the context of your situation, even if you aren’t ready to commit to treatment. Look for:
1. Experience with both men and treatments
Choose a physician that has many years of experience with cosmetic medical procedures and working with men. With cosmetic treatments practice really does make perfect. Pick a provider that understands men’s health in general, like an internal medicine or family practice physician that has additional training in cosmetics. Men and women differ in their skin type and texture, fat distribution, muscle mass, grooming requirements, lifestyle, and aesthetic goals. Men also have very different hormonal and metabolic systems that affect their appearance. Having a physician that understands all of these differences is key to getting good results. Avoid providers that primarily treat women.
2. A physician with rapport
Choose a physician that takes enough time with you to make you feel comfortable returning over a series of many treatments.
3. A physician who keeps your options open
Avoid physicians that recommend only one treatment. Those that offer—and are skilled with—many forms of treatment are more likely to help you determine the best treatment plan for you.
4. A clinic that doesn’t sacrifice quality
Everyone likes a good deal, but deep discounts on cosmetic medical treatments can be a warning that the treatment or physician is not the highest quality. In order to offer deep discounts, quality has to be cut somewhere: diluted or counterfeit pharmaceuticals, out-of-date laser technology, an inexperienced physician, or no physician at all. Cheap deals for botulinum toxin or laser treatments are widely offered, but they will likely cost you more in the long run if the results are ineffective or unsafe.
Our expert physicians have over 21 years of experience in cosmetic medicine. We provide you with a suite of services specifically designed to help you achieve an authentic, masculine, defined, energetic, and polished look. Learn more: Men’s Clinic.
Contact us
Are you in the San Francisco Bay Area? Book an appointment with one of our skilled physicians to learn more and develop a treatment plan that is right for your goals, budget, and timeframe. See appointments or call us at 415-409-3456.